Posts Tagged rich

Shame On America Sunday: 18 bucks a second

I hope that all of the people who decry me as a socialist are frantically writing to any elected officials they can, and saying For God’s sake, I am opposed to socialism of the type that I decry when The Trouble With Roy espouses it, so please, Mr. Government Official, do not in any way interfere in the marketplace by, for example, bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and AIG. I’m willing to let all my insurance premiums be for naught because I’m opposed to socialism!

All the “you’re nothing but a socialist” types, you’re doing that, right? Or are you NOT, because you think government intervention in the marketplace is okay when you want them to do that? If so, then line up with the people who tell me It’s their money and that I shouldn’t tell people what to do with their money … yes, yes, over under the sign that reads “Hypocrites.”

If you’re going to disagree with me about what I write, in Shame On America Sunday or anything else, you should at least make sure you’re being consistent. Don’t say “It’s their money, they can do what they want with it” unless you are also intending to say “it’s okay to buy and sell human beings,” because if it’s their money to do what they want with, then there are no limits. That’s what you’re saying. if, on the other hand, there are limits, then I’m free to say that those limits should include not wearing a $313,000 outfit and you can’t respond that it’s their money because we agree that there’s limits.

I bring those two points up in advance because I’m going to hear a lot of that today as we look at people who have more money than the law should allow them to have.

The Forbes 400 list came out this week; the big story about that was that for the first time ever, if you have only $1 billion, you are not among the 400 richest people in America.

Only $1 billion. There are 400 people who have more than One billion dollars. That’s one of the main stories about the list. There were a lot of stories, but that was one that got the most attention.

A lot of attention was paid to this list, and I followed that attention, and not once did I hear anyone even remotely approach the notion that it is disgusting, it is contemptible, for people to have that much money.

It is contemptible, moreover, regardless of how much the greedy rich person gives to charity.

I’m comfortable saying that, and here’s why: Just as there can be limits on how much money you spend on something, there should also be a limit on how much money you need in a lifetime.

Now all the hackles just went up again, as people get ready to tell me You can’t just take away their money and they give a lot to charity.

I can, though, just take away their money. Well, I can’t. But politicians can, and they should do so. They should do so for the same reason they already do so — they should take away the money because the greedy billionaires do not need it, and other people do.

The government already takes the money it figures you do not need, and gives it to the people and institutions it thinks do need that money; that’s what taxes are. People, too, take money that they do not need, and give it to institutions and people that do need it; that’s called charity.

The government should take away most of the Forbes 400’s money, and give it to people who need it.

It should do that even though those people may already pay a lot in taxes and may give a lot to charity. They have more than they will ever need, more than they should have, and it does not matter how much they give to charity; it’s greedy of them to keep the amounts they have.

The Forbes 400 multibillionaires, regardless of how much they give to charity, are hoarding wealth, hoarding wealth and using it for selfish purposes — and doing so when it cannot possibly gain them any more in terms of luxury, comfort, or material gains.

In other words, they’re keeping money they will never have any need for and cannot use now — while keeping that money from people who could use it. That’s why I say they’re greedy, and that’s why the government should take it away from them, as much as the government can.

And, as I said, I don’t care how much they give to charity. They still have too much. Most people will disagree with that, but I’m right. People will think they can’t have too much because it’s money. But they can have too much, because they have more than they could ever use and are keeping it from those who could use it. Keeping something that you have no need for, keeping it and keeping others from using it, is greedy and selfish and hoarding.

Let me give you an analogy. Suppose I’m talking about food. Suppose I stockpile enough food in a warehouse for me to eat for my entire lifetime; food enough that I would never be hungry, even if I lived to be 150 years old.

At that point, I don’t need more food, do I? I don’t need more food stockpiled.

But suppose that I’m the nervous type. Suppose I say what if my needs change, and I suddenly require double the calories each day? Or what if my first food supply gets nuked? So I decide to be safe. I stockpile enough food for three lifetimes, in different locations.

At that point, I don’t need more food, do I? Shouldn’t I quit stockpiling food?

If I keep stockpiling food, despite having enough for three lifetimes, then that is only justifiable if everyone else everywhere has enough food, too — because otherwise, I’ve got three lifetimes worth of food that I will never eat, while people are starving.

Suppose, then, that I keep my three lifetimes worth of food, and keep stockpiling more — but now I take 1/2 of all the new food I gather up, and give that away. So after a few years, I’ve given away a lifetime’s worth of food, but I have four lifetimes worth of food stockpiled, and there are still people starving.

What do you think of me now? Is it right that I have four lifetimes’ worth of food, food I’ll never ever eat, while people starve? Is it right even though I gave away a whole lifetime worth of food?

Of course it’s not.

That’s why it’s wrong that the people on the Forbes 400 list have that much money. That’s why it’s greedy and selfish of them. That’s why our country should not countenance that. I’m not against people being rich — even though nobody anywhere needs to earn more than $200,000 per adult in their household– but I am against people hoarding resources (money is a resource) and using resources foolishly while others go without.

Let’s take the top person on the list. Bill Gates is worth $59 billion dollars. I’m not sure that anyone can really take in the scope of $59 billion dollars, and writing it like that doesn’t help.

Here’s $59 billion dollars in numeric form: $59,000,000,000. Looks like a lot more there, doesn’t it?

Here’s how $59 billion dollars measures out over a human lifespan. If a person lives to be 100, he or she could spend $589,999,900 every year he was alive, and still die with $10,000 leftover to cover funeral expenses.

That $589,999,900 per year breaks down like this: That selfish billionaire could spend $1,616,438.08 per day, each and every day of his life from the moment he’s born until the day he dies — and still have $10,000 left over.

That person — Bill Gates — could spent $67,351.58 per hour of his existence, living to be 100, and still have $10,000 left over. That’s $1,122.52 per minute, with money left over.

$18 per second. That’s what $59 billion is, over 100 years of existence, a person with $59 billion can spend $18 per second; $18 per heartbeat… and never run out of money.

In other words, Bill Gates cannot spend all of his money. If he set about trying to do just that… short of giving it away… Bill Gates could not spend all of his money — and if he even came close, he would either be vastly overpaying for the things he bought, or he would simply be accumulating wealth and things he does not need and should not be allowed to own (like private islands — which I’ll get to someday, but not today)

I don’t mean to pick on Bill Gates alone; his hoarding of $59 million is the tops on the list of the Forbes 400, but by no means the only example of a rich, greedy person withholding resources from people when he himself cannot use those resources.

The top 10 people on that list of people who should be ashamed of themselves, and who should hope that the population of the U.S. doesn’t listen to me and realize that they could simply vote to take away that money, have together a net worth of $271.2 billion. In numeric notation, that’s:


That’s just the top 10. The entire list of 400 is worth $1.54 trillion; and again, it looks less evil to write it that way, so I’ll write it out numerically:


Supposing– just supposing, that each greedy billionaire on the list were to simply give away all of their assets except $1 billion. Suppose they gave it all away, but each of those 400 people kept $1 billion for themselves.

That would leave each billionaire with $1,000,000,000. Is that enough to live on? Again, do the math. If you lived 100 years and had $1,000,000,000, you could spend $10,000,000 per year, or $27,397 per day, each and every day of your life.

I think they’d make do. I think a billion dollars would manage to help them muddle through.

Doing that — having them give it away, or taking it from them, would keep $400 billion in the ranks of the Forbes 400, but would free up … $1,140,000,000,000.

Over 100 years, the money that would be taken from them would allow the US to spend $11,400,000,000 per year.

Assuming that we didn’t invest that money and get some interest, of course. I wonder how much better a place to live the US would be with an additional $11 billion dollars per year for schools and social programs and roads?

Bill Gates has net worth of $59 billion dollars; reducing that to $1 billion dollars would not in any way change his lifestyle, but would help countless people in the United States achieve something a little more than they thought they could. It could, for example, help someone pay for, say, a kidney transplant.

That’s what Jay Menhennet III is trying to do. Jay is getting his second kidney transplant, from a kidney donated by his sister. Jay’s body rejected the first one; he’s struggled all his life with diabetes and has had part of his right leg amputated.

A kidney transplant costs $250,000 (So Bill Gates could buy himself 236,000 kidney transplants! Or he could buy himself a new kidney every four hours for the next 100 years!), and there are additional costs beyond that, costs that are not always covered by insurance. The medications cost $2,000-$5,000 per month (so the average selfish billionaire on the list could use about 3 minutes’ worth of his money to pay for a month’s worth of medications!)

Jay, and his family and his friends don’t have $59 billion dollars. They can’t spend $18 per second every second of their lives for a 100 years. Because of that, they have to find a different way to pay for a kidney for Jay. They are trying to raise money to defray those costs; they’re having a pasta dinner pretty soon, and they’re asking people to pay $6 per ticket (or 1/3 of a second worth of Bill Gates’ existence; Bill Gates could treat 9 billion of his friends and have money left over!) to try to help cover the costs, and they’ve also set up a fund to help, and they’ve listed him on the website for the National Foundation for Transplants.

They have to rely on donations, you know. Donations for money and time and even for an organ. But luckily for Jay, not everyone is like the Forbes 400; not everyone takes resources that are precious and keeps them from other who need them. There are, instead, people like Jay’s sister, who realized that she only needs one kidney, so she’s giving Jay her other one. Even one of Jay’s nieces offered her kidney.

Total number of kidneys offered by the Forbes 400 to help Jay? Zero. Total number of kidneys offered by people who can’t spend $18 per second? Three.

But, then, hoarders don’t give up anything valuable, do they? So we can’t expect that the Forbes 400, who are so intent on keeping resources they could never need or use in their lifetime, to give up anything they’ve hoarded.

Lucky for Jay, he’s not relying on the goodness of the Forbes 400; he’s relying on people like me and you. We may not have $18 bucks a second, but we do have some spare kidneys, and we do like pasta.

You can donate money to Jay — it’s a tax deduction just like the selfish billionaires get — by sending it to: NFT Ohio Kidney Fund, 5350 Poplar Ave., Suite 430, Memphis, Tenn. 38119.

Read more about Jay by clicking this link

The Fix: The highest marginal level of income tax should be raised to 60% of annual income over $1 million dollars; there should be a federal property tax leveled on property and assets held above $1 million dollars. Those, plus the remedies I advised to keep celebrities from owning 160 cars, would help.

What You Can Do Until The Fix Is Done: (1) Make sure your license okays you to be re an organ donor — you certainly can’t use them after you’re dead, and (2) make a contribution to The National Foundation For Transplants to help someone like Jay afford the basic necessities of life (Yes, I’m counting “a functioning kidney” as a basic necessity of life; if that makes me a socialist, I’m okay with that) until such time as voters get their act together and start voting for politicians who understand that it’s okay to tax the rich because the rich will have more than enough left over, and (3) voters, get your act together and start voting for politicians who understand that it’s okay to tax the rich because the rich will have more than enough left over– and demand that they do so!

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Shame On America Sunday: Celebrity Cars

Each time I post one of these, each time I point out that somewhere in America, some rich person who is selfish and doesn’t care about others is spending money frivolously, money that could be used to help others — and should be used to help others, I get, out of the many comments and emails, at least five of each of these responses:

First, someone (or someones) will say But they do a lot for charity.

Then, someone (or someones) will say It’s their money to do what they want with.

Let me address those both briefly, taking the second one first:

What do you mean, it’s their money to do what they want with? What do you mean by that? do you mean that whatever they choose to do, it’s okay? If it’s their money, it’s okay no matter what they do?

Here’s how to point out the flaws in an argument like that : take it to extremes; by doing that, the flaws in an argument will be exposed. So let’s do that with it’s their money to do what they want with. Let’s expose how dumb that argument is.

Suppose, instead of pointing out that Cindy McCain shows disdain for human beings by wearing a $313,000 outfit, prompting people to say it’s her money to do what she wants with, suppose instead of that I said Cindy McCain spent $313,000 paying surgeons to extract kidneys from kittens so that she could turn them into her own personal anti-wrinkle cream.

Then, I’m sure, everyone — even those it’s-their-money people, would say that’s horrible. Even the it’s-their-money people suddenly say well, we can’t let her do that. Suddenly, even the it’s their money people are with me: let’s limit what can be spent.

So we can agree, then, that there is a limit on what people can and should do with their own money. If we all agree that Cindy McCain should not be allowed to buy kitten kidneys, then we all agree that it is perfectly acceptable for society to draw a line on what people can spend money on, even if it’s their money. We just disagree on where that line should be drawn. (And while my argument was absurd, it’s also true: we already as a society tell people there’s limits to what they can buy. You can’t buy human beings, or parts of human beings. You can’t buy endangered species. So don’t give me it’s their money unless you are out lobbying Congress to allow people to traffic in endangered species and organs, in which case I’d just as soon not hear from you at all.)

So don’t say it’s their money. If you feel it’s okay for Cindy McCain to wear an outfit worth six years of your hard-earned pay and show how little regard she has for human beings, then just say that. Say I and Cindy McCain feel it is appropriate to rub people’s noses in how little they have and how much SHE has.

On the other, harder question, I have the same response. To people who say well, they do a lot for charity, let’s take the same argument. If Cindy McCain’s charity does a lot for people, then is it all right if Cindy McCain uses what’s left of her money to buy kitten kidneys?

No, of course it’s not. Doing something good doesn’t then make it okay to do something bad. It just means that you’ve done something good and something bad. Giving money to charity is good; but it doesn’t make it okay to then go spend $313,000 on an outfit. That’s wrong, no matter how much money you give to charity. It’s wrong for Bill Gates to own an island and I don’t care how much money his foundation gives to charity. It’s still wrong for him to own an island.

Celebrities, though, are almost revered for owning things; instead of our society properly pointing to celebrities owning foolish things because they have so much money they don’t know what to do with it, and because it’s beyond them to think Instead of spending it foolishly, I should help someone. So instead of helping someone, they spend it foolishly. Like on cars.

Celebrities love their cars, and most of America loves celebrities for it. We smile and nod approvingly when Miley Cyrus does what all 15-year-olds wish they could do and buys herself a car, and only I wince when it’s reported that the car she bought cost more than $75,000.

Why does anyone, celebrity or not, need a $75,000 car? How much nicer is a $75,000 car than the Saturn Vue ($13,995 used) I drive? Do CDs sound better in a $75,000 car? Does the exhaust smell like chocolate chip cookies?

I guess the only reason you’d want a $75,000 car is so that it wouldn’t look out of place among the 20 cars– all Porsches, apparently — you park in your $1.39 million carpeted garage, isn’t that right, Jerry Seinfeld? Or should I say: what’s the deal with people who park their cars on cement? Don’t they know luxury cars are meant to be pampered? Pampered, it seems, at the expense of neighbors, who had to have jackhammers going for a year in their building so that Jerry’s cars could have a luxury garage, complete with kitchenette.

It is apparent to me that once one becomes rich, one also loses the ability to ever be more than 10 feet from a kitchen. I look forward to winning the lottery and then creating the first mobile kitchen (with 24-hour staff) so that I, too, can be constantly within rich of some Brie cheese.

But 20 cars isn’t all that much, when you stop to think about it. Why, you couldn’t even drive a different one every day for more than 3 weeks. Jerry can’t — one of his cars, one worth $700,000, can’t even be driven on the street (because it can’t be emissions and crash-tested; Porsche wouldn’t release any for testing, so they created a whole line of cars costing $700,000 each that can’t be used.)

You certainly couldn’t, if you only had 20 cars, feature them on a website that allows us, the commoners, to marvel at your collection, like we can with Jay Leno’s car collection, which Jay Leno (America’s buddy!) helpfully features on its own website, which I’m not going to link to because he doesn’t need the help.

Something that just jumps right out at me, though, as I look around that website and think what kind of a jerk needs this many cars AND a website to show them off? — something that jumps out at me besides the fact that it is a really awful kind of jerk who can’t just collect cars but who has to also show them off– what jumps out at me is the “Community” link. What community is Jay talking about, I wonder. The community of superwealthy losers who can’t conceive of helping people and who instead have to show off how superwealthy they are? The community of people who would, if they could, engineer their cars to run on kitten kidneys simply because they can afford to do so?

It can’t be our community, I think, can it? It can’t possibly be a link to our community, the community of people who don’t collect cars because to us a car is a major purchase, one that will probably be the second- or third-most expensive thing we’ll buy in our life. So I click on it…

And it’s not! I wasn’t wrong. Jay isn’t thinking about our community — he’s linking to ways you can tell him he’s more awesome. You could, if you want, share a photo of your car. I thought about sending in a photo of “Bluey,” the car we let the kids drive. It’s a 1997 Ford Taurus with about 115,000 miles. It’s been in the shop twice this year. It has no hubcaps and the license plate is held on by screws we got from my toolbox. The power locks have stopped working but in our house, we only repair those car parts that are necessary to keep it running — which is why my Saturn Vue glove compartment is held closed by duct tape. I thought about sending in a picture of Bluey; I bet Jay has a car just like it.

In fact, I could even ask him. I could ask Jay a car-related question! and check back soon for his answers!

So I did; I submitted a question. Here’s what I asked Jay, verbatim:

Jay, how can you justify owning all of these cars and wasting all of this money when there are people in the world who have to scrimp and save simply to get bus fare so they can get to work each day? Don’t you think it would be better if you would donate all of these cars to a worthy charity, like the Rawhide Boys Ranch, which you can find at Sorry– that was actually two questions. But I’ll check back soon for your answer!

Let’s keep tabs on what Jay says, okay?

It’s hard to understand why Miley Cyrus needs a $75,000 car. It’s hard to understand why Jerry Seinfeld needs 20 pampered Porches. It’s hard to understand why Jay Leno needs God-only-knows how many cars. (According to the most recent report I found, it’s 80 cars, 80 motorcycles, and a fire truck — for “the kid in him,” Jay Leno jokes.)(And isn’t it great that Jay Leno has a funny little quip about how he owns a fire truck for the kid in him? Doesn’t that show how compassionate Jay Leno is?) It’s hard to understand why celebrities need these fleets of vehicles.

It’s not hard, though, to understand why the Rawhide Boys Ranch needs cars, though. The Rawhide Boys Ranch is a ranch in central Wisconsin that serves as a residential care facility for troubled boys. It’s been around for 40 years, and is supported by Bart Starr, among others. It gets in funds, in large part, through donations, and one of the donations suggested is cars and other motor vehicles; at the Ranch, they have the boys work on these cars and refurbish them, then the cars are sold to help provide funds for the Ranch.

The cars donated can be written off as a tax deduction, so in addition to getting a good feeling about helping others, you could actually save a little on your taxes by helping others. And only 16% of the funds Rawhide takes in are used for operating expenses; the remaining 84% goes to the programs.

Imagine, if you will, how well Rawhide could be doing if, say Miley Cyrus had bought just a $30,000 car, and donated $45,000 to Rawhide. Or if Jerry Seinfeld donated, say, 13 of his Pampered Porsches. Or if Jay Leno gave up all but seven of his classic cars and motorcycles. Would their lives be different in any meaningful way? Would they be suffering, driving a car that is only worth $30,000? Or having only one car per day of the week?

Imagine how much good could be done if Rawhide could sell off 153 cars and motorcycles, a fire truck, and 13 Porsches!

I guess we’ll never know, though. Nor should we care, I guess. I guess we shouldn’t care that there is a massive amount of money, money that could be helping people, instead being used to store cars in carpeted garages for childish billionaires (at least Miley has an excuse for being childish) who want us to laugh at them but who appear to be laughing at us. I guess we should care, because it’s their money, right?

The Fix: There should be a tax credit for charitable donations, a credit that increases inversely compared to your income. That is, if you earn less than $100,000 gross income per year, charitable donations should earn you a $3 income tax credit for each $1 you donate. At $100,001-$500,000, it should be 2-1. From $500,000-$1,000,000, it should be 1-1, and then dropping correspondingly above that to a low of 1-4. At the same time, the marginal income tax rate should be increased to a high of at least 50%; estate taxes should be significantly increased, as well; estate taxes could be offset by a 2-1 credit for charitable contributions that the contributor chooses to make and defer — that is, Jay Leno could make a $100,000 charitable contribution now, but opt to defer it to use it as a 2-1 credit against estate taxes instead of taking a reduced credit now.

What you can do until it’s fixed: Refuse to buy any product created by or endorsed by a celebrity who spends money foolishly. You’ll save a lot. And donate money or goods to the Rawhide Ranch for Boys; click this link to find out how.

The Trouble With Roy firmly believes that no adult should be allowed to earn more than $200,000 per year, that health care is a basic right that should not be denied anyone, that celebrities are grotesquely overpaid, and that America can do better.

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